The woman behind Fit With Beba.
I am a 34-year-old mom of 3. In 2016, during my third pregnancy I was diagnosed with a long-term autoimmune disease called Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).
Following my diagnosis my health began to deteriorate while facing several complications in my pregnancy which led to my son being delivered at 31 weeks and having to leave him in the hospital for months. These events taking place in my life along with many other family, financial, mental and emotional obstacles contributed to me suffering from depression, uncertainty, and insecurities. I found myself being a victim of circumstances that I didn’t choose and did not understand why things were the way they were.
Soon enough, I realized that my unhealthy eating and physical habits were negatively contributing to my sickness and it was time to regain control of my life. I knew that I wanted to kick lupus and depression in the butt! Once I joined the gym, I realized that it was what I had been missing and where my passion exists.
Within the first 10 months of my fitness journey I was already down 66 pounds and more confident than I have ever been. Not only was I seeing great results, but I was also surprised by how much it helped lessen the effects that lupus had on my body.
Before I knew it, I was not suffering from as many flare-ups, I had a lot more energy, and most importantly, I was able to be an active mom to my children. When I began to evaluate the impact that “getting fit” had on my physical, mental, and emotional state, I knew that I wanted to help people achieve their goals and help them feel the way I did which pushed me to study to become a certified personal trainer.
With sharing my fitness journey on Instagram I’ve been lucky enough to connect with several women and mothers who alike me, suffer from a chronic disease and face what I have and still am facing.
Most of these women are interested in making the same lifestyle change that I did but may not know where to start or be able to afford a personal trainer to guide them along the way. Each of these women inspired me to pursue a career in personal training. My program is an affordable work-out program that you will benefit from daily with workouts to help you build the body you want, the same way that I have!
Ask yourself: What makes you different from me? Absolutely nothing! We are just alike! There is nothing that I’ve done that you can’t also do! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Be determined and consistent!